Chapter 11: More Operator Overloading

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Having covered the overloaded assignment operator in chapter 9, and having shown several examples of other overloaded operators as well (i.e., the insertion and extraction operators in chapters 3 and 6), we now take a look at operator overloading in general.

11.1: Overloading `operator[]()'

As our next example of operator overloading, we introduce a class IntArray encapsulating an array of ints. Indexing the array elements is possible using the standard array index operator [], but additionally checks for array bounds overflow are performed. Furthermore, the index operator (operator[]) is interesting in that it can be used in expressions as both lvalue and as rvalue.

Here is an example showing the basic use of the class:

    int main()
        IntArray x(20);                 // 20 ints

        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            x[i] = i * 2;               // assign the elements

        for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++)   // produces boundary overflow
            cout << "At index " << i << ": value is " << x[i] << '\n';

First, the constructor is used to create an object containing 20 ints. The elements stored in the object can be assigned or retrieved. The first for-loop assigns values to the elements using the index operator, the second for-loop retrieves the values but also results in a run-time error once the non-existing value x[20] is addressed. The IntArray class interface is:

    #include <cstddef>

    class IntArray
        int     *d_data;
        size_t d_size;

            IntArray(size_t size = 1);
            IntArray(IntArray const &other);
            IntArray const &operator=(IntArray const &other);

                                                // overloaded index operators:
            int &operator[](size_t index);                // first
            int const &operator[](size_t index) const;    // second

            void swap(IntArray &other);         // trivial

            void boundary(size_t index) const;
            int &operatorIndex(size_t index) const;

This class has the following characteristics:

Now, the implementation of the members (omitting the trivial implementation of swap, cf. chapter 9) are:
    #include "intarray.ih"

    IntArray::IntArray(size_t size)
        if (d_size < 1)
            throw string("IntArray: size of array must be >= 1");

        d_data = new int[d_size];

    IntArray::IntArray(IntArray const &other)
        d_data(new int[d_size])
        memcpy(d_data, other.d_data, d_size * sizeof(int));

        delete[] d_data;

    IntArray const &IntArray::operator=(IntArray const &other)
        IntArray tmp(other);
        return *this;

    int &IntArray::operatorIndex(size_t index) const
        return d_data[index];

    int &IntArray::operator[](size_t index)
        return operatorIndex(index);

    int const &IntArray::operator[](size_t index) const
        return operatorIndex(index);

    void IntArray::boundary(size_t index) const
        if (index < d_size)
        ostringstream out;
        out  << "IntArray: boundary overflow, index = " <<
                index << ", should be < " << d_size << '\n';
        throw out.str();

Note how the operator[] members were implemented: as non-const members may call const member functions and as the implementation of the const member function is identical to the non-const member function's implementation both operator[] members could be defined inline using an auxiliary function int &operatorIndex(size_t index) const. A const member function may return a non-const reference (or pointer) return value, referring to one of the data members of its object. Of course, this is a potentially dangerous backdoor that may break data hiding. However, the members in the public interface prevent this breach and so the two public operator[] members may themselves safely call the same int &operatorIndex() const member, that defines a private backdoor.

11.2: Overloading the insertion and extraction operators

Classes may be adapted in such a way that their objects may be inserted into and extracted from, respectively, a std::ostream and std::istream.

The class std::ostream defines insertion operators for primitive types, such as int, char *, etc.. In this section we learn how to extend the existing functionality of classes (in particular std::istream and std::ostream) in such a way that they can be used also in combination with classes developed much later in history.

In particular we will show how the insertion operator can be overloaded allowing the insertion of any type of object, say Person (see chapter 9), into an ostream. Having defined such an overloaded operator we're able to use the following code:

    Person kr("Kernighan and Ritchie", "unknown", "unknown");

    cout << "Name, address and phone number of Person kr:\n" << kr << '\n';
The statement cout << kr uses operator<<. This member function has two operands: an ostream & and a Person &. The required action is defined in an overloaded free function operator<< expecting two arguments:
                                // declared in `person.h'
    std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Person const &person);

                                // defined in some source file
    ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Person const &person)
            out <<
                "Name:    " << << ", "
                "Address: " << person.address() << ", "
                "Phone:   " <<;
The free function operator<< has the following noteworthy characteristics:

In order to overload the extraction operator for, e.g., the Person class, members are needed modifying the class's private data members. Such modifiers are normally offered by the class interface. For the Person class these members could be the following:

    void setName(char const *name);
    void setAddress(char const *address);
    void setPhone(char const *phone);
These members may easily be implemented: the memory pointed to by the corresponding data member must be deleted, and the data member should point to a copy of the text pointed to by the parameter. E.g.,
    void Person::setAddress(char const *address)
        delete[] d_address;
        d_address = strdupnew(address);
A more elaborate function should check the reasonableness of the new address (address also shouldn't be a 0-pointer). This however, is not further pursued here. Instead, let's have a look at the final operator>>. A simple implementation is:
    istream &operator>>(istream &in, Person &person)
        string name;
        string address;
        string phone;

        if (in >> name >> address >> phone)    // extract three strings
        return in;
Note the stepwise approach that is followed here. First, the required information is extracted using available extraction operators. Then, if that succeeds, modifiers are used to modify the data members of the object to be extracted. Finally, the stream object itself is returned as a reference.

11.3: Conversion operators

A class may be constructed around a built-in type. E.g., a class String, constructed around the char * type. Such a class may define all kinds of operations, like assignments. Take a look at the following class interface, designed after the string class:
    class String
        char *d_string;

            String(char const *arg);
            String(String const &other);
            String const &operator=(String const &rvalue);
            String const &operator=(char const *rvalue);
Objects of this class can be initialized from a char const *, and also from a String itself. There is an overloaded assignment operator, allowing the assignment from a String object and from a char const * (Note that the assignment from a char const * also allows the null-pointer. An assignment like stringObject = 0 is perfectly in order.).

Usually, in classes that are less directly linked to their data than this String class, there will be an accessor member function, like a member char const *String::c_str() const. However, the need to use this latter member doesn't appeal to our intuition when an array of String objects is defined by, e.g., a class StringArray. If this latter class provides the operator[] to access individual String members, it would most likely offer at least the following class interface:

    class StringArray
        String *d_store;
        size_t d_n;

            StringArray(size_t size);
            StringArray(StringArray const &other);
            StringArray const &operator=(StringArray const &rvalue);

            String &operator[](size_t index);
This interface allows us to assign String elements to each other:
    StringArray sa(10);

    sa[4] = sa[3];  // String to String assignment
But it is also possible to assign a char const * to an element of sa:
    sa[3] = "hello world";
Here, the following steps are taken: Now we try to do it the other way around: how to access the char const * that's stored in sa[3]? The following attempt fails:
    char const *cp = sa[3];
It fails since we would need an overloaded assignment operator for the 'class char const *'. Unfortunately, there isn't such a class, and therefore we can't build that overloaded assignment operator (see also section 11.13). Furthermore, casting won't work as the compiler doesn't know how to cast a String to a char const *. How to proceed?

One possibility is to define an accessor member function c_str():

    char const *cp = sa[3].c_str()
This compiles fine but looks clumsy.... A far better approach would be to use a conversion operator.

A conversion operator is a kind of overloaded operator, but this time the overloading is used to cast the object to another type. In class interfaces, the general form of a conversion operator is:

    operator <type>() const;
Conversion operators usually are const member functions: they are automatically called when their objects are used as rvalues in expressions having a type lvalue. Using a conversion operator a String object may be interpreted as a char const * rvalue, allowing us to perform the above assignment.

Conversion operators are somewhat dangerous. The conversion is automatically performed by the compiler and unless its use is perfectly transparent it may confuse those who read code in which conversion operators are used. E.g., novice C++ programmers are frequently confused by statements like `if (cin) ...'.

As a rule of thumb: classes should define at most one conversion operator. Multiple conversion operators may be defined but frequently result in ambiguous code. E.g., if a class defines operator bool() const and operator int() const then passing an object of this class to a function expecting a size_t argument results in an ambiguity as an int and a bool may both be used to initialize a size_t.

In the current example, the class String could define the following conversion operator for char const *:

    String::operator char const *() const
        return d_string;
Notes: Conversion operators are also used when objects of classes defining conversion operators are inserted into streams. Realize that the right hand sides of insertion operators are function parameters that are initialized by the operator's right hand side arguments. The rules are simple: In the following example an object of class Insertable is directly inserted; an object of the class Convertor uses the conversion operator; an object of the class Error cannot be inserted since it does not define an insertion operator and the type returned by its conversion operator cannot be inserted either (Text does define an operator int() const, but the fact that a Text itself cannot be inserted causes the error):
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;

    struct Insertable
        operator int() const
            cout << "op int()\n";
    ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Insertable const &ins)
        return out << "insertion operator";
    struct Convertor
        operator Insertable() const
            return Insertable();
    struct Text
        operator int() const
            return 1;
    struct Error
        operator Text() const
            return Text();

    int main()
        Insertable insertable;
        cout << insertable << '\n';
        Convertor convertor;
        cout << convertor << '\n';
        Error error;
        cout << error << '\n';

Some final remarks regarding conversion operators:

11.4: The keyword `explicit'

Conversions are not only performed by conversion operators, but also by constructors accepting one argument (i.e., constructors having one or multiple parameters, specifying default argument values for all parameters or for all but the first parameter).

Assume a data base class DataBase is defined in which Person objects can be stored. It defines a Person *d_data pointer, and so it offers a copy constructor and an overloaded assignment operator.

In addition to the copy constructor DataBase offers a default constructor and several additional constructors:

The above constructors all are perfectly reasonable. But they also allow the compiler to compile the following code without producing any warning at all:

    DataBase db;
    DataBase db2;
    Person person;

    db2 = db;           // 1
    db2 = person;       // 2
    db2 = 10;           // 3
    db2 = cin;          // 4
Statement 1 is perfectly reasonable: db is used to redefine db2. Statement 2 might be understandable since we designed DataBase to contain Person objects. Nevertheless, we might question the logic that's used here as a Person is not some kind of DataBase. The logic becomes even more opaque when looking at statements 3 and 4. Statement 3 in effect waits for the data of 10 persons to appear at the standard input stream. Nothing like that is suggested by db2 = 10.

All four statements are the result of implicit promotions. Since constructors accepting, respectively a Person, an istream, and a size_t and an istream have been defined for DataBase and since the assignment operator expects a DataBase right-hand side (rhs) argument the compiler first converts the rhs arguments to anonymous DataBase objects which are then assigned to db2.

It is good practice to prevent implicit promotions by using the explicit modifier when declaring a constructor. Constructors using the explicit modifier can only be used to construct objects explicitly. Statements 2-4 would not have compiled if the constructors expecting one argument would have been declared using explicit. E.g.,

    explicit DataBase(Person const &person);
    explicit DataBase(size_t count, std:istream &in);

Having declared all constructors accepting one argument as explicit the above assignments would have required the explicit specification of the appropriate constructors, thus clarifying the programmer's intent:

    DataBase db;
    DataBase db2;
    Person person;

    db2 = db;               // 1
    db2 = DataBase(person); // 2
    db2 = DataBase(10);     // 3
    db2 = DataBase(cin);    // 4
As a rule of thumb prefix one argument constructors with the explicit keyword unless implicit promotions are perfectly natural (string's char const * accepting constructor is a case in point).

11.4.1: Explicit conversion operators

In addition to explicit constructors, C++ supports explicit conversion operators.

For example, a class might define operator bool() const returning true if an object of that class is in a usable state and false if not. Since the type bool is an arithmetic type this could result in unexpected or unintended behavior. Consider:

    class StreamHandler
            operator bool() const;      // true: object is fit for use

    int fun(StreamHandler &sh)
        int sx;

        if (sh)                         // intended use of operator bool()
            ... use sh as usual; also use `sx'

        process(sh);                    // typo: `sx' was intended
In this example process unintentionally receives the value returned by operator bool using the implicit conversion from bool to int.

With explicit conversion operators implicit conversions like the one shown in the example are prevented and such conversion operators can only be used in situations where the converted type is explicitly required. E.g., in the condition sections of if or repetition statements where a bool value is expected. In such cases an explicit operator bool() conversion operator would automatically be used.

11.5: Overloading the increment and decrement operators

Overloading the increment operator (operator++) and decrement operator (operator--) introduces a small problem: there are two versions of each operator, as they may be used as postfix operator (e.g., x++) or as prefix operator (e.g., ++x).

Used as postfix operator, the value's object is returned as an rvalue, temporary const object and the post-incremented variable itself disappears from view. Used as prefix operator, the variable is incremented, and its value is returned as lvalue and it may be altered again by modifying the prefix operator's return value. Whereas these characteristics are not required when the operator is overloaded, it is strongly advised to implement these characteristics in any overloaded increment or decrement operator.

Suppose we define a wrapper class around the size_t value type. Such a class could offer the following (partially shown) interface:

    class Unsigned
        size_t d_value;

            explicit Unsigned(size_t init);

            Unsigned &operator++();
The class's last member declares the prefix overloaded increment operator. The returned lvalue is Unsigned &. The member is easily implemented:
    Unsigned &Unsigned::operator++()
        return *this;

To define the postfix operator, an overloaded version of the operator is defined, expecting a (dummy) int argument. This might be considered a kludge, or an acceptable application of function overloading. Whatever your opinion in this matter, the following can be concluded:

The postfix increment operator is declared as follows in the class Unsigned's interface:
    Unsigned operator++(int);
It may be implemented as follows:
    Unsigned Unsigned::operator++(int)
        Unsigned tmp(*this);
        return tmp;
Note that the operator's parameter is not used. It is only part of the implementation to disambiguate the prefix- and postfix operators in implementations and declarations.

In the above example the statement incrementing the current object offers the nothrow guarantee as it only involves an operation on a primitive type. If the initial copy construction throws then the original object is not modified, if the return statement throws the object has safely been modified. But incrementing an object could itself throw exceptions. How to implement the increment operators in that case? Once again, swap is our friend. Here are the pre- and postfix operators offering the strong guarantee when the member increment performing the increment operation may throw:

    Unsigned &Unsigned::operator++()
        Unsigned tmp(*this);
        return *this;
    Unsigned Unsigned::operator++(int)
        Unsigned tmp(*this);
        return tmp;
The postfix increment operator first creates a copy of the current object. That copy is incremented and then swapped with the current object. If increment throws the current object remains unaltered; the swap operation ensures that the original object is returned and the current object becomes the incremented object.

When calling the increment or decrement operator using its full member function name then any int argument passed to the function results in calling the postfix operator. Omitting the argument results in calling the prefix operator. Example:

    Unsigned uns(13);

    uns.operator++();     // prefix-incrementing uns
    uns.operator++(0);    // postfix-incrementing uns

11.6: Overloading binary operators

In various classes overloading binary operators (like operator+) can be a very natural extension of the class's functionality. For example, the std::string class has various overloaded forms of operator+.

Most binary operators come in two flavors: the plain binary operator (like the + operator) and the compound assignment variant (like the += operator). Whereas the plain binary operators return values, the compound assignment operators return a reference to the object to which the operator was applied. For example, with std::string objects the following code (annotations below the example) may be used:

    std::string s1;
    std::string s2;
    std::string s3;

    s1 = s2 += s3;                  // 1
    (s2 += s3) + " postfix";        // 2
    s1 = "prefix " + s3;            // 3
    "prefix " + s3 + "postfix";     // 4

Consider the following code, in which a class Binary supports an overloaded operator+:

    class Binary
            Binary(int value);
            Binary operator+(Binary const &rvalue);

    int main()
        Binary b1;
        Binary b2(5);

        b1 = b2 + 3;            // 1
        b1 = 3 + b2;            // 2

Compilation of this little program fails for statement // 2, with the compiler reporting an error like:

    error: no match for 'operator+' in '3 + b2'
Why is statement // 1 compiled correctly whereas statement // 2 won't compile?

In order to understand this remember promotions. As we have seen in section 11.4, constructors expecting a single argument may be implicitly activated when an argument of an appropriate type is provided. We've encountered this repeatedly with std::string objects, where an NTBS may be used to initialize a std::string object.

Analogously, in statement // 1, the + operator is called for the b2 object. This operator expects another Binary object as its right hand operand. However, an int is provided. As a constructor Binary(int) exists, the int value is first promoted to a Binary object. Next, this Binary object is passed as argument to the operator+ member.

In statement // 2 no promotions are available: here the + operator is applied to an lvalue that is an int. An int is a primitive type and primitive types have no concept of `constructors', `member functions' or `promotions'.

How, then, are promotions of left-hand operands implemented in statements like "prefix " + s3? Since promotions are applied to function arguments, we must make sure that both operands of binary operators are arguments. This implies that plain binary operators supporting promotions for either their left-hand side operand or right-hand side operand should be declared as free operators, also called free functions.

Functions like the plain binary operators conceptually belong to the class for which they implement the binary operator. Consequently they should be declared in the class's header file. We cover their implementations shortly, but here is our first revision of the declaration of the class Binary, declaring an overloaded + operator as a free function:

    class Binary
            Binary(int value);

    Binary operator+(Binary const &lhs, Binary const &rhs);

By defining binary operators as free functions, the following promotions are possible:

The next step is to implement the corresponding overloaded binary assignment operator, having the form @=, with @ being a binary operator. As this operator always has a left-hand operand which is an object of its own class, it is implemented as a true member function. Furthermore, the compound assignment operator should return a reference to the object to which the binary operation applies, as the object might be modified in the same statement. E.g., (s2 += s3) + " postfix". Here is our second revision of the class Binary, showing both the declaration of the plain binary operator and the corresponding compound assignment operator:

    class Binary
            Binary(int value);

            Binary &operator+=(Binary const &rhs);

    Binary operator+(Binary const &lhs, Binary const &rhs);

How should the compound addition assignment operator be implemented? When implementing the compound assignment operator the strong guarantee should again be kept in mind. Use a temporary object and swap if the add member might throw. Example:

    Binary &operator+=(Binary const &other)
        Binary tmp(*this);
        tmp.add(other);     // this may throw
        return *this;

It's easy to implement the plain binary operator for classes offering the matching compound assignment operator: the lhs argument is copied into a Binary tmp to which the rhs operand is added. Then tmp is returned. The copy construction and two statements could be contracted into one single return statement, but then compilers usually aren't able to apply copy elision in this case. But copy elision is usually used when the steps are taken separately:

    class Binary
            Binary(int value);

            Binary &operator+=(Binary const &other);

    Binary operator+(Binary const &lhs, Binary const &rhs)
        Binary tmp(lhs);
        tmp += rhs;
        return tmp;

But wait! Remember the design principle for move-aware classes that was given in section 9.7.8? When implementing binary operators we're doing exactly that what was mentioned in that design principle. A temporay object is constructed and the compound assignment operation is applied to the temporary object.

If the class Binary is a move-aware class then we can add a move-aware binary operator to our class at very little cost. The actual work is performed by the compound addition assignment operator, as described. However, this operator is called from the move-aware binary operator having prototype

    Binary operator+(Binary &&ltmp, Binary const &rhs);
The traditional binary operator's implementation now simply consists of two steps:

Here is the declaration and implementation of the traditional and move-aware compound addition assignment operator of the class Binary for operator+:

    class Binary
            Binary(int value);
                        // copy and move constructors are available by default, or
                        // they can be explicitly declared and implemented.

            Binary &operator+=(Binary const &other);    // see the text

    inline Binary operator+(Binary &&lhs, Binary const &rhs)
        return std::move(lhs += rhs);   // avoids copy construction

    inline Binary operator+(Binary const &lhs, Binary const &rhs)
        Binary tmp(lhs);
        return std::move(tmp) + rhs;

11.7: Overloading `operator new(size_t)'

When operator new is overloaded, it must define a void * return type, and its first parameter must be of type size_t. The default operator new defines only one parameter, but overloaded versions may define multiple parameters. The first one is not explicitly specified but is deducted from the size of objects of the class for which operator new is overloaded. In this section overloading operator new is discussed. Overloading new[] is discussed in section 11.9.

It is possible to define multiple versions of the operator new, as long as each version defines its own unique set of arguments. When overloaded operator new members must dynamically allocate memory they can do so using the global operator new, applying the scope resolution operator ::. In the next example the overloaded operator new of the class String initializes the substrate of dynamically allocated String objects to 0-bytes:

    #include <cstddef>
    #include <iosfwd>

    class String
        std::string *d_data;

            void *operator new(size_t size)
                return memset(::operator new(size), 0, size);
            bool empty() const
                return d_data == 0;
The above operator new is used in the following program, illustrating that even though String's default constructor does nothing the object's data are initialized to zeroes:
    #include "string.h"
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    int main()
        String *sp = new String;

        cout << boolalpha << sp->empty() << '\n';   // shows: true
At new String the following took place: As String::operator new initialized the allocated memory to zero bytes the allocated String object's d_data member had already been initialized to a 0-pointer by the time it started to exist.

All member functions (including constructors and destructors) we've encountered so far define a (hidden) pointer to the object on which they should operate. This hidden pointer becomes the function's this pointer.

In the next example of pseudo C++ code, the pointer is explicitly shown to illustrate what's happening when operator new is used. In the first part a String object str is directly defined, in the second part of the example the (overloaded) operator new is used:

    String::String(String *const this);     // real prototype of the default
                                            // constructor

    String *sp = new String;                // This statement is implemented
                                            // as follows:

        String *sp = static_cast<String *>(            // allocation
                        String::operator new(sizeof(String))
        String::String(sp);                                 // initialization
In the above fragment the member functions were treated as object-less member functions of the class String. Such members are called static member functions (cf. chapter 8). Actually, operator new is such a static member function. Since it has no this pointer it cannot reach data members of the object for which it is expected to make memory available. It can only allocate and initialize the allocated memory, but cannot reach the object's data members by name as there is as yet no data object layout defined.

Following the allocation, the memory is passed (as the this pointer) to the constructor for further processing.

Operator new can have multiple parameters. The first parameter is initialized as an implicit argument and is always a size_t parameter. Additional overloaded operators may define additional parameters. An interesting additional operator new is the placement new operator. With the placement new operator a block of memory has already been set aside and one of the class's constructors is used to initialize that memory. Overloading placement new requires an operator new having two parameters: size_t and char *, pointing to the memory that was already available. The size_t parameter is implicitly initialized, but the remaining parameters must explicitly be initialized using arguments to operator new. Hence we reach the familiar syntactical form of the placement new operator in use:

    char buffer[sizeof(String)];        // predefined memory
    String *sp = new(buffer) String;    // placement new call
The declaration of the placement new operator in our class String looks like this:
    void *operator new(size_t size, char *memory);
It could be implemented like this (also initializing the String's memory to 0-bytes):
    void *String::operator new(size_t size, char *memory)
        return memset(memory, 0, size);
Any other overloaded version of operator new could also be defined. Here is an example showing the use and definition of an overloaded operator new storing the object's address immediately in an existing array of pointers to String objects (assuming the array is large enough):
        // use:
    String *next(String **pointers, size_t *idx)
        return new(pointers, (*idx)++) String;

        // implementation:
    void *String::operator new(size_t size, String **pointers, size_t idx)
        return pointers[idx] = ::operator new(size);

11.8: Overloading `operator delete(void *)'

The delete operator may also be overloaded. In fact it's good practice to overload operator delete whenever operator new is also overloaded.

Operator delete must define a void * parameter. A second overloaded version defining a second parameter of type size_t is related to overloading operator new[] and is discussed in section 11.9.

Overloaded operator delete members return void.

The `home-made' operator delete is called when deleting a dynamically allocated object after executing the destructor of the associated class. So, the statement

    delete ptr;
with ptr being a pointer to an object of the class String for which the operator delete was overloaded, is a shorthand for the following statements:
    ptr->~String(); // call the class's destructor

                    // and do things with the memory pointed to by ptr
    String::operator delete(ptr);
The overloaded operator delete may do whatever it wants to do with the memory pointed to by ptr. It could, e.g., simply delete it. If that would be the preferred thing to do, then the default delete operator can be called using the :: scope resolution operator. For example:
    void String::operator delete(void *ptr)
        // any operation considered necessary, then, maybe:
        ::delete ptr;
To declare the above overloaded operator delete simply add the following line to the class's interface:
    void operator delete(void *ptr);
Like operator new operator delete is a static member function (see also chapter 8).

11.9: Operators `new[]' and `delete[]'

In sections 9.1.1, 9.1.2 and 9.2.1 operator new[] and operator delete[] were introduced. Like operator new and operator delete the operators new[] and delete[] may be overloaded.

As it is possible to overload new[] and delete[] as well as operator new and operator delete, one should be careful in selecting the appropriate set of operators. The following rule of thumb should always be applied:

If new is used to allocate memory, delete should be used to deallocate memory. If new[] is used to allocate memory, delete[] should be used to deallocate memory.

By default these operators act as follows:

11.9.1: Overloading `new[]'

To overload operator new[] in a class (e.g., in the class String) add the following line to the class's interface:
    void *operator new[](size_t size);
The member's size parameter is implicitly provided and is initialized by C++'s run-time system to the amount of memory that must be allocated. Like the simple one-object operator new it should return a void *. The number of objects that must be initialized can easily be computed from size / sizeof(String) (and of course replacing String by the appropriate class name when overloading operator new[] for another class). The overloaded new[] member may allocate raw memory using e.g., the default operator new[] or the default operator new:
    void *operator new[](size_t size)
        return ::operator new[](size);
        // alternatively:
        // return ::operator new(size);
Before returning the allocated memory the overloaded operator new[] has a chance to do something special. It could, e.g., initialize the memory to zero-bytes.

Once the overloaded operator new[] has been defined, it is automatically used in statements like:

    String *op = new String[12];
Like operator new additional overloads of operator new[] may be defined. One opportunity for an operator new[] overload is overloading placement new specifically for arrays of objects. This operator is available by default but becomes unavailable once at least one overloaded operator new[] is defined. Implementing placement new is not difficult. Here is an example, initializing the available memory to 0-bytes before returning:
    void *String::operator new[](size_t size, char *memory)
        return memset(memory, 0, size);
To use this overloaded operator, the second parameter must again be provided, as in:
    char buffer[12 * sizeof(String)];
    String *sp = new(buffer) String[12];

11.9.2: Overloading `delete[]'

To overload operator delete[] in a class String add the following line to the class's interface:
    void operator delete[](void *memory);
Its parameter is initialized to the address of a block of memory previously allocated by String::new[].

There are some subtleties to be aware of when implementing operator delete[]. Although the addresses returned by new and new[] point to the allocated object(s), there is an additional size_t value available immediately before the address returned by new and new[]. This size_t value is part of the allocated block and contains the actual size of the block. This of course does not hold true for the placement new operator.

When a class defines a destructor the size_t value preceding the address returned by new[] does not contain the size of the allocated block, but the number of objects specified when calling new[]. Normally that is of no interest, but when overloading operator delete[] it might become a useful piece of information. In those cases operator delete[] does not receive the address returned by new[] but rather the address of the initial size_t value. Whether this is at all useful is not clear. By the time delete[]'s code is executed all objects have already been destroyed, so operator delete[] is only to determine how many objects were destroyed but the objects themselves cannot be used anymore.

Here is an example showing this behavior of operator delete[] for a minimal Demo class:

    struct Demo
        size_t idx;
            cout << "default cons\n";
            cout << "destructor\n";
        void *operator new[](size_t size)
            return ::operator new(size);
        void operator delete[](void *vp)
            cout << "delete[] for: " << vp << '\n';
            ::operator delete[](vp);

    int main()
        Demo *xp;
        cout << ((int *)(xp = new Demo[3]))[-1] << '\n';
        cout << xp << '\n';
        cout << "==================\n";
        delete[] xp;
    // This program displays (your 0x?????? addresses might differ, but
    // the difference between the two should be sizeof(size_t)):
    //  default cons
    //  default cons
    //  default cons
    //  3
    //  0x8bdd00c
    //  ==================
    //  destructor
    //  destructor
    //  destructor
    //  delete[] for: 0x8bdd008
Having overloaded operator delete[] for a class String, it will be used automatically in statements like:
        delete[] new String[5];

Operator delete[] may also be overloaded using an additional size_t parameter:

    void operator delete[](void *p, size_t size);
Here size is automatically initialized to the size (in bytes) of the block of memory to which void *p points. If this form is defined, then void operator[](void *) should not be defined, to avoid ambiguities. An example of this latter form of operator delete[] is:
    void String::operator delete[](void *p, size_t size)
        cout << "deleting " << size << " bytes\n";
        ::operator delete[](ptr);

Additional overloads of operator delete[] may be defined, but to use them they must explicitly be called as static member functions (cf. chapter 8). Example:

        // declaration:
    void String::operator delete[](void *p, ostream &out);
        // usage:
    String *xp = new String[3];
    String::operator delete[](xp, cout);

11.9.3: C++14: the `operator delete(void *, size_t)' family

As we've seen classes may overload their operator delete and operator delete[] members.

The C++14 standard also supports overloading the global void operator delete(void *, size_t size) and void operator delete[](void *, size_t size) functions.

When a global sized deallocation function is defined, it is automatically used instead of the default, non-sized deallocation function. The performance of programs may improve if a sized deallocation function is available (cf.

11.9.4: `new[]', `delete[]' and exceptions

When an exception is thrown while executing a new[] expression, what will happen? In this section we'll show that new[] is exception safe even when only some of the objects were properly constructed.

To begin, new[] might throw while trying to allocate the required memory. In this case a bad_alloc is thrown and we don't leak as nothing was allocated.

Having allocated the required memory the class's default constructor is going to be used for each of the objects in turn. At some point a constructor might throw. What happens next is defined by the C++ standard: the destructors of the already constructed objects are called and the memory allocated for the objects themselves is returned to the common pool. Assuming that the failing constructor offers the basic guarantee new[] is therefore exception safe even if a constructor may throw.

The following example illustrates this behavior. A request to allocate and initialize five objects is made, but after constructing two objects construction fails by throwing an exception. The output shows that the destructors of properly constructed objects are called and that the allocated substrate memory is properly returned:

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    static size_t count = 0;

    class X
        int x;

                if (count == 2)
                    throw 1;
                cout << "Object " << ++count << '\n';
                cout << "Destroyed " << this << "\n";
            void *operator new[](size_t size)
                cout << "Allocating objects: " << size << " bytes\n";
                return ::operator new(size);
            void operator delete[](void *mem)
                cout << "Deleting memory at " << mem << ", containing: " <<
                    *static_cast<int *>(mem) << "\n";
                ::operator delete(mem);

    int main()
        X *xp = new X[5];
        cout << "Memory at " << xp << '\n';
        delete[] xp;
    catch (...)
        cout << "Caught exception.\n";
    // Output from this program (your 0x??? addresses might differ)
    //  Allocating objects: 24 bytes
    //  Object 1
    //  Object 2
    //  Destroyed 0x8428010
    //  Destroyed 0x842800c
    //  Deleting memory at 0x8428008, containing: 5
    //  Caught exception.

11.10: Function Objects

Function Objects are created by overloading the function call operator operator(). By defining the function call operator an object masquerades as a function, hence the term function objects. Function objects are also known as functors.

Function objects are important when using generic algorithms. The use of function objects is preferred over alternatives like pointers to functions. The fact that they are important in the context of generic algorithms leaves us with a didactic dilemma. At this point in the C++ Annotations it would have been nice if generic algorithms would already have been covered, but for the discussion of the generic algorithms knowledge of function objects is required. This bootstrapping problem is solved in a well known way: by ignoring the dependency for the time being, for now concentrating on the function object concept.

Function objects are objects for which operator() has been defined. Function objects are not just used in combination with generic algorithms, but also as a (preferred) alternative to pointers to functions.

Function objects are frequently used to implement predicate functions. Predicate functions return boolean values. Predicate functions and predicate function objects are commonly referred to as `predicates'. Predicates are frequently used by generic algorithms such as the count_if generic algorithm, covered in chapter 19, returning the number of times its function object has returned true. In the standard template library two kinds of predicates are used: unary predicates receive one argument, binary predicates receive two arguments.

Assume we have a class Person and an array of Person objects. Further assume that the array is not sorted. A well known procedure for finding a particular Person object in the array is to use the function lsearch, which performs a lineair search in an array. Example:

    Person &target = targetPerson();    // determine the person to find
    Person *pArray;
    size_t n = fillPerson(&pArray);

    cout << "The target person is";

    if (!lsearch(&target, pArray, &n, sizeof(Person), compareFunction))
        cout << " not";
    cout << "found\n";
The function targetPerson determines the person we're looking for, and fillPerson is called to fill the array. Then lsearch is used to locate the target person.

The comparison function must be available, as its address is one of the arguments of lsearch. It must be a real function having an address. If it is defined inline then the compiler has no choice but to ignore that request as inline functions don't have addresses. CompareFunction could be implemented like this:

    int compareFunction(void const *p1, void const *p2)
        return *static_cast<Person const *>(p1)     // lsearch wants 0
                !=                                  // for equal objects
                *static_cast<Person const *>(p2);
This, of course, assumes that the operator!= has been overloaded in the class Person. But overloading operator!= is no big deal, so let's assume that that operator is actually available.

On average n / 2 times at least the following actions take place:

  1. The two arguments of the compare function are pushed on the stack;
  2. The value of the final parameter of lsearch is determined, producing compareFunction's address;
  3. The compare function is called;
  4. Then, inside the compare function the address of the right-hand argument of the Person::operator!= argument is pushed on the stack;
  5. Person::operator!= is evaluated;
  6. The argument of the Person::operator!= function is popped off the stack;
  7. The two arguments of the compare function are popped off the stack.
Using function objects results in a different picture. Assume we have constructed a function PersonSearch, having the following prototype (this, however, is not the preferred approach. Normally a generic algorithm is preferred over a home-made function. But for now we focus on PersonSearch to illustrate the use and implementation of a function object):
    Person const *PersonSearch(Person *base, size_t nmemb,
                               Person const &target);
This function can be used as follows:
    Person &target = targetPerson();
    Person *pArray;
    size_t n = fillPerson(&pArray);

    cout << "The target person is";

    if (!PersonSearch(pArray, n, target))
        cout << " not";

    cout << "found\n";
So far, not much has been changed. We've replaced the call to lsearch with a call to another function: PersonSearch. Now look at PersonSearch itself:
    Person const *PersonSearch(Person *base, size_t nmemb,
                                Person const &target)
        for (int idx = 0; idx < nmemb; ++idx)
            if (target(base[idx]))
                return base + idx;
        return 0;
PersonSearch implements a plain linear search. However, in the for-loop we see target(base[idx]). Here target is used as a function object. Its implementation is simple:
    bool Person::operator()(Person const &other) const
        return *this == other;
Note the somewhat peculiar syntax: operator(). The first set of parentheses define the operator that is overloaded: the function call operator. The second set of parentheses define the parameters that are required for this overloaded operator. In the class header file this overloaded operator is declared as:
    bool operator()(Person const &other) const;
Clearly Person::operator() is a simple function. It contains but one statement, and we could consider defining it inline. Assuming we do, then this is what happens when operator() is called:
  1. The address of the right-hand argument of the Person::operator== argument is pushed on the stack;
  2. The operator== function is evaluated (which probably also is a semantic improvement over calling operator!= when looking for an object equal to a specified target object);
  3. The argument of Person::operator== argument is popped off the stack.
Due to the fact that operator() is an inline function, it is not actually called. Instead operator== is called immediately. Moreover, the required stack operations are fairly modest.

Function objects may truly be defined inline. Functions that are called indirectly (i.e., using pointers to functions) can never be defined inline as their addresses must be known. Therefore, even if the function object needs to do very little work it is defined as an ordinary function if it is going to be called through pointers. The overhead of performing the indirect call may annihilate the advantage of the flexibility of calling functions indirectly. In these cases using inline function objects can result in an increase of a program's efficiency.

An added benefit of function objects is that they may access the private data of their objects. In a search algorithm where a compare function is used (as with lsearch) the target and array elements are passed to the compare function using pointers, involving extra stack handling. Using function objects, the target person doesn't vary within a single search task. Therefore, the target person could be passed to the function object's class constructor. This is in fact what happens in the expression target(base[idx]) receiving as its only argument the subsequent elements of the array to search.

11.10.1: Constructing manipulators

In chapter 6 we saw constructions like cout << hex << 13 << to display the value 13 in hexadecimal format. One may wonder by what magic the hex manipulator accomplishes this. In this section the construction of manipulators like hex is covered.

Actually the construction of a manipulator is rather simple. To start, a definition of the manipulator is needed. Let's assume we want to create a manipulator w10 which sets the field width of the next field to be written by the ostream object to 10. This manipulator is constructed as a function. The w10 function needs to know about the ostream object in which the width must be set. By providing the function with an ostream & parameter, it obtains this knowledge. Now that the function knows about the ostream object we're referring to, it can set the width in that object.

Next, it must be possible to use the manipulator in an insertion sequence. This implies that the return value of the manipulator must be a reference to an ostream object also.

From the above considerations we're now able to construct our w10 function:

    #include <ostream>
    #include <iomanip>

    std::ostream &w10(std::ostream &str)
        return str << std::setw(10);

The w10 function can of course be used in a `stand alone' mode, but it can also be used as a manipulator. E.g.,

        #include <iostream>
        #include <iomanip>

        using namespace std;

        extern ostream &w10(ostream &str);

        int main()
            w10(cout) << 3 << " ships sailed to America\n";
            cout << "And " << w10 << 3 << " more ships sailed too.\n";

The w10 function can be used as a manipulator because the class ostream has an overloaded operator<< accepting a pointer to a function expecting an ostream & and returning an ostream &. Its definition is:

    ostream& operator<<(ostream &(*func)(ostream &str))
        return (*func)(*this);
In addition to the above overloaded operator<< another one is defined
    ios_base &operator<<(ios_base &(*func)(ios_base &base))
        return *this;
This latter function is used when inserting, e.g., hex or internal.

The above procedure does not work for manipulators requiring arguments. It is of course possible to overload operator<< to accept an ostream reference and the address of a function expecting an ostream & and, e.g., an int, but while the address of such a function may be specified with the <<-operator, the arguments itself cannot be specified. So, one wonders how the following construction has been implemented:

    cout << setprecision(3)
In this case the manipulator is defined as a macro. Macro's, however, are the realm of the preprocessor, and may easily suffer from unwelcome side-effects. In C++ programs they should be avoided whenever possible. The following section introduces a way to implement manipulators requiring arguments without resorting to macros, but using anonymous objects. Manipulators requiring arguments

Manipulators taking arguments are implemented as macros: they are handled by the preprocessor, and are not available beyond the preprocessing stage. The problem appears to be that you can't call a function in an insertion sequence: when using multiple operator<< operators in one statement the compiler calls the functions, saves their return values, and then uses their return values in the insertion sequence. That invalidates the ordering of the arguments passed to your <<-operators.

So, one might consider constructing another overloaded operator<< accepting the address of a function receiving not just the ostream reference, but a series of other arguments as well. But this creates the problem that it isn't clear how the function should receive its arguments: you can't just call it since that takes us back to the above-mentioned problem. Merely passing its address is fine, but then no arguments can be passed to the function.

There exists a solution, based on the use of anonymous objects:

Here is an example of a little program using such a home-made manipulator expecting multiple arguments:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>

    class Align
        unsigned d_width;
        std::ios::fmtflags d_alignment;

            Align(unsigned width, std::ios::fmtflags alignment);
            std::ostream &operator()(std::ostream &ostr) const;

        Align::Align(unsigned width, std::ios::fmtflags alignment)

        std::ostream &Align::operator()(std::ostream &ostr) const
            ostr.setf(d_alignment, std::ios::adjustfield);
            return ostr << std::setw(d_width);

    std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostr, Align const &align)
        return align(ostr);

    using namespace std;

    int main()
            << "`" << Align(5, ios::left) << "hi" << "'"
            << "`" << Align(10, ios::right) << "there" << "'\n";

        Generated output:

        `hi   '`     there'

Note that in order to insert an anonymous Align object into the ostream, the operator<< function must define a Align const & parameter (note the const modifier).

11.11: The case of [io]fstream::open()

Earlier, in section, it was noted that the [io]fstream::open members expect an ios::openmode value as their final argument. E.g., to open an fstream object for writing you could do as follows:
    fstream out;"/tmp/out", ios::out);
Combinations are also possible. To open an fstream object for both reading and writing the following stanza is often seen:
    fstream out;"/tmp/out", ios::in | ios::out);

When trying to combine enum values using a `home made' enum we may run into problems. Consider the following:

    enum Permission
        READ =      1 << 0,
        WRITE =     1 << 1,
        EXECUTE =   1 << 2

    void setPermission(Permission permission);

    int main()
        setPermission(READ | WRITE);
When offering this little program to the compiler it replies with an error message like this:
invalid conversion from 'int' to 'Permission'

The question is of course: why is it OK to combine ios::openmode values passing these combined values to the stream's open member, but not OK to combine Permission values.

Combining enum values using arithmetic operators results in int-typed values. Conceptually this never was our intention. Conceptually it can be considered correct to combine enum values if the resulting value conceptually makes sense as a value that is still within the original enumeration domain. Note that after adding a value READWRITE = READ | WRITE to the above enum we're still not allowed to specify READ | WRITE as an argument to setPermission.

To answer the question about combining enumeration values and yet stay within the enumeration's domain we turn to operator overloading. Up to this point operator overloading has been applied to class types. Free functions like operator<< have been overloaded, and those overloads are conceptually within the domain of their class.

As C++ is a strongly typed language realize that defining an enum is really something beyond the mere association of int-values with symbolic names. An enumeration type is really a type of its own, and as with any type its operators can be overloaded. When writing READ | WRITE the compiler performs the default conversion from enum values to int values and applies the operator to ints. It does so when it has no alternative.

But it is also possible to overload the enum type's operators. Thus we may ensure that we'll remain within the enum's domain even though the resulting value wasn't defined by the enum. The advantage of type-safety and conceptual clarity is considered to outweigh the somewhat peculiar introduction of values hitherto not defined by the enum.

Here is an example of such an overloaded operator:

    Permission operator|(Permission left, Permission right)
        return static_cast<Permission>(static_cast<int>(left) | right);
Other operators can easily and analogously be constructed.

Operators like the above were defined for the ios::openmode enumeration type, allowing us to specify ios::in | ios::out as argument to open while specifying the corresponding parameter as ios::openmode as well. Clearly, operator overloading can be used in many situations, not necessarily only involving class-types.

11.12: User-defined literals

In addition to the well-known literals, like numerical constants (with or without suffixes), character constants and string (textual) literals, C++ also supports user-defined literals, also known as extensible literals.

A user-defined literal is defined by a function (see also section 23.3) that must be defined at namespace scope. Such a function is called a literal operator. A literal operator cannot be a class member function. The names of a literal operator must start with an underscore, and a literal operator is used (called) by suffixing its name (including the underscore) to the argument that must be passed to it . Assuming _NM2km (nautical mile to km) is the name of a literal operator, then it could be called as 100_NM2km, producing, e.g., the value 185.2.

Using Type to represent the return type of the literal operator its generic declaration looks like this:

    Type operator "" _identifier(parameter-list);
The blank space trailing the empty string is required. The parameter lists of literal operators can be: If literal operators are overloaded the compiler will pick the literal operator requiring the least `effort'. E.g., 120 is processed by a literal operator defining a unsigned long long int parameter and not by its overloaded version, defining a char const * parameter. But if overloaded literal operators exist defining char const * and long double parameters then the operator defining a char const * parameter is used when the argument 120 is provided, while the operator defining a long double parameter is used with the argument 120.3.

A literator operator can define any return type. Here is an example of a definition of the _NM2km literal operator:

    double operator "" _NM2km(char const *nm)
        return std::stod(nm) * 1.852;

    double value = 120_NM2km;   // example of use
Of course, the argument could also have been a long double constant. Here's an alternative implementation, explicitly expecting a long double:

    double constexpr operator "" _NM2km(long double nm)
        return nm * 1.852;

    double value = 450.5_NM2km;   // example of use

A numeric constant can also be processed completely at compile-time. Section 23.3 provides the details of this type of literal operator.

Arguments to literal operators are themselves always constants. A literal operator like _NM2km cannot be used to convert, e.g., the value of a variable. A literal operator, although it is defined as functinon, cannot be called like a function. The following examples therefore result in compilation errors:

    double speed;

    speed_NM2km;        // no identifier 'speed_NM2km'
    _NM2km(speed);      // no function _NM2km
    _NM2km(120.3);      // no function _NM2km

11.13: Overloadable operators

The following operators can be overloaded:
    +       -       *       /       %       ^       &       |
    ~       !       ,       =       <       >       <=      >=
    ++      --      <<      >>      ==      !=      &&      ||
    +=      -=      *=      /=      %=      ^=      &=      |=
    <<=     >>=     []      ()      ->      ->*     new     new[]
    delete  delete[]
Several operators have textual alternatives:

textual alternative operator

and &&
and_eq &=
bitand &
bitor |
compl ~
not !
not_eq !=
or ||
or_eq |=
xor ^
xor_eq ^=

`Textual' alternatives of operators are also overloadable (e.g., operator and). However, note that textual alternatives are not additional operators. So, within the same context operator&& and operator and can not both be overloaded.

Several of these operators may only be overloaded as member functions within a class. This holds true for the '=', the '[]', the '()' and the '->' operators. Consequently, it isn't possible to redefine, e.g., the assignment operator globally in such a way that it accepts a char const * as an lvalue and a String & as an rvalue. Fortunately, that isn't necessary either, as we have seen in section 11.3.

Finally, the following operators cannot be overloaded:

    .       .*      ::      ?:      sizeof  typeid